Bargaining Committee
The CUPE 3175 Collective Agreement expired on December 31, 2021. A Bargaining Committee was elected by members at the June 2022 General Membership Meeting. Our current CUPE 3175 Collective Agreement will expire on December 31, 2025.
By-law Review Committee
This committee is formed when the members and executive determine that the bylaw language needs to be reviewed and changed.
Membership Engagement Committee
The membership engagement committee in partnership with the executive helps to increase member engagement and communications for our local. If you would like to get involved please contact the Recording Secretary.
Health and Safety Committee
A member of the union is elected to attend agency health and safety meetings. The committee consists of CUPE, OPSEU, and management representatives.
Returning Officer and Elections Committee
Elections take place every 2 years for all Executive and Steward positions. The returning officer and elections committee is elected at the October meeting to facilitate all aspects of the election. The election at local 3175 is done by mail in ballots or virtually through a anonymous voting platform.