General Membership Meeting Minutes

Members are encouraged to attend meetings and take an active role. These are held three times a year and information regarding structure and process can be found in section 4 of the CUPE 3175 By-Laws. For dates and times please see upcoming events on the homepage. For previous minutes, contact the Recording Secretary. February 24 … Read more…

Financial Reports

Financial reports are available at every General Membership Meeting. If you wish to review the reports at your leisure please contact the Treasurer, Scott Ballantine extension 1653.

Collective Agreement

Our collective agreement expires on December 31, 2012 – stay posted for bargaining updates once we begin to negotiate a new contract.

If you have questions about the contract, please get in touch with your steward or one of the executive.


If you have active committees, here is a good place to put either their contact information, or updates and information from your committees.

What We Do

If you represent members at a lot of different work sites, it’s important to list somewhere on your site all of them – so that when your members search in google for something like “cupe paramedics hearst” – or even just “paramedics hearst,” or “st john evangelist school barrie”, they’ll find a page somewhere on the site that has those words in it.

Contact Us

President – Ryan Decker 613 549-1232 ext.1624 Vice President – Julia Chenier 613 549-1232 ext. 1114 Treasurer – Scott Ballantine 613 549-1232 ext. 1653 Recording Secretary – Elise Decker 613 549-1232 ext. 1218 Steward – Erin Adamson 613 542-1232 ext. 1573 Steward – Erin Gilroy 613 542-1232 ext. 1294 … Read more…